FTE Savings Calculator

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Calculate your FTE operations savings

General FTE savings by company

Small Organisation

Small Organisation
Less than 1000 employees, with a lack of Cybersecurity experts for Security Operation. Usual usage of external SOC/CSIRT services. Total number of Events per day (filtered from SIEM solution, incl. 10% Events of Interest) is less than 50. On average less than 3 Network Security Vendors are implemented inside the infrastructure.
Up to 17.81 %
The high probability of 45-55% lack of FTE and the right expertise to ensure security operation.

Medium-sized Organisation

Medium-sized Organisation
Organisation 1000-8000 employees with own Security Department, CSO or CISO role and in-house SOC/CSIRT team, demanding security automation. Total number of Events per day (filtered from SIEM solution, incl. 10% Events of Interest) is about 100. Around 3-6 Network Security Vendors are implemented inside the infrastructure.
Up to 22.26 %
The high probability of 10-15% lack of FTE and the right expertise to ensure security operation.

Large Enterprise

Large Enterprise
More than 8000 employees with own Security Department, CSO or CISO role, in-house SOC/CSIRT team, demanding necessary analytic resources reduction and security automation. Total number of events per day (filtered from SIEM solution incl. 10% Events of Interest) is more than 100. More than 6 Network Security Vendors are implemented inside the infrastructure.
Up to 24.94 %
No probability of 10-15% lack of FTE and the right expertise to ensure security operation

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